Tree Trimming Season in Southern California Is Here!
Trim and Prune Your Trees now!
Tree Health Care and Plant Care from Certified Arborists You Can Trust
Finally, the temperature is reaching optimal temperatures expected for autumn, even though we are in winter. So, what can we do for our trees in the meantime as things generally slow down?
Many things, but one important task that can be done is to prune and trim our trees, especially pines and conifers right now! Here are some of the benefits of trimming or pruning your trees.
- Good ‘grooming’ practices are highly beneficial for your trees; removal of dead limbs or cleaning up sections that are growing too fast can overall enhance the aesthetic of your tree, which is relatively important if you planted that tree specifically for its beauty.
- Pruning also helps your tree grow. All the dead wood that gets cleared up will promote healthier new growth. If you own a tree that produces fruit and are explicitly tending to it for its bountiful fruiting season, pruning encourages the growth of spurs, which will produce fruit the following year.
- Pruning your trees also increases overall safety. Dead or structurally weakened branches may not be able to withstand harsh weather, such as strong wind gusts. Because of this, inclement weather may be the tipping point where a compromised branch might fall and damage your car, property, and possibly even bodily harm
Why is NOW the most important time to trim? Well to start, autumn and winter is when the growing season starts to taper off and trees prepare to ‘hibernate.’ What that means is that they are no longer trying to grow as much and the invest more toward food storage and hardening themselves for the cooler weather.
Because of this, pruning and trimming trees will have less detrimental effects on the tree because they won’t be as stressed from the ‘haircut’ as they would in summer when heat, drought, and pest infestations are more rampant!
Have a few trees you may be thinking on ‘cleaning’ up? Give us a call and we’ll send out our Tree Care Specialist to give you a quote. Our trimmers are all trained according to ISA Best Practices Standards.