Certified Arborist Consulting in Orange County

Choose Certified Arborists for the Best in Tree & Plant Healthcare

Gruett Tree Company Certified Arborists provide comprehensive evaluations and reporting in Orange County and Southern California. Arborist consultations include tree inventories, hazard assessments, tree measurement, detection of decay, tree value appraisals, budget management plans, and more.

Perhaps the best tree care that can be provided is preventative maintenance, and we use a variety of proven methods to ensure tree health in Orange County and most of Southern California. Gruett tree healthcare professionals evaluate your trees and recommend services that may include branch bracing, fertilization, aerating roots, tree spraying and/or injections to keep your trees healthy or get them back in shape.

See our Tree Services, Tree Management and Tree & Plant Healthcare pages to see more of the services provided by our Certified Arborists.

Call Gruett today for the best in Orange County arborist services or click the Get a Free Quote button at the top to tell us what you need.

Tree held in caring hands